


項目 內容
課程名稱 二十世紀英國文學
開課學期 110-1
授課對象 歐洲暨歐盟研究學程
授課教師 陳重仁
課號 FL 3004
課程辨識碼 102 23190
學分 3
全/半年 半年
必/選修 選修
上課時間 星期一 2,3,4(9:10~12:10)
上課地點 綜603
備註 本課程以英語授課。【專業課程】:A、B方案。



項目 內容
課程概述 The twentieth century was an era of radical change. New concepts of inter-personal relations, social structures, political mechanisms, ethics, gender divides, national boundaries, and ethnic awareness challenged and redefined existing values and experiences. These rapid changes–sometimes occurring in the blink of an eye–left us often incapable of grasping what was happening in society but regrets for losses and confusions of sorts. The internet and virtual technology (eg. computer games) also altered perceptions of the world and sense of community and history. Some lifestyles disappeared completely while some social norms and values have been maintained with a great deal of sweat and pain. Although social changes run unrelentingly fast, the meaning of human existence, and our future, cannot be outlined without a consideration for our history. With its mission to create, confirm, and negate the new chapter in history which it opened, twentieth century literature is a rich, diverse subject with much conflict. 二十世紀是個充滿巨變的時代,舉凡人與人的關係、社會結構、家庭倫理、性別界限、國族疆界、族群意識等,都一再挑戰舊有的價值觀與經驗。網路時代的我們,所經歷的改變也轉瞬間成為歷史,有些生活方式徹徹底底的消失了,有些價值卻以另一種形式掙扎地存在。轉變之快速令人目不暇給,但人存在的意義,甚至未來的走向,卻不能不從既有的歷史經驗來評估。人在創造歷史的同時,也不斷透過推翻歷史、質疑歷史(正確性)來找尋個人與社群的新時代座標。
課程目標 This course not only focuses on literature study but also serves as a critical guide to various thoughts that troubled modern people. Students will understand the world through literatures written in English (not necessarily British English), and closely observe how this former "Empire Upon Which The Sun Never Sets" experienced fatal collapse and is still embroiled in "Post-empire" sentiment. This course will explore how the industrial revolution, the World Wars, the Cold War, Feminism, Post-colonialism, gender liberation, and concurrent globalization has transformed the English-speaking world. Has the core of humanity changed? How do tradition and modernity contradict one another and in what way are they compromised? To what extent do modern arts push our tolerance of ethics further? Does the British Empire still exist in one form or another? Do globalization and modernity transform our culture fundamentally or only reshuffle it? How do intellectuals–not just creative writers–promote, manipulate, or hinder these exciting but unsettling changes? This course is mainly conducted in English with Chinese when necessary and is open to those particularly willing to join rigorous discussion/debates on cultural and literary issues. Those who only want to take notes and do not like to interact with classmates, or do not wish to be engaged directly by the course instructor, should consider other available study options. * This course is open to international & exchange students. 這門課不只是一門文學課,也是一門思想與文化課程,將帶領同學們透過二十世紀英「語」文學(非侷限於英國)來看世界,也從英語世界的角度來看經歷工業革命、世界大戰、冷戰、女性主義、後殖民省思、性別越界,及全球化的「後英帝國時期」發生了什麼轉變:傳統與現代如何衝突與磨合、現代藝術挑戰何種極限,英帝國是否真的瓦解、文化的底蘊真的改變了嗎?(或改變了什麼?)知識分子(不只是作家)又如何推動、操控、或阻止這些令人興奮又不安的改變? 本課程以英語上課為主,中文為輔。歡迎能夠課前預習,樂意參與文學/化議題討論的同學修課。如不喜歡分組討論或與同學和老師互動者,請審慎考慮。. * 本課程開放給國際學生及交換生選修。
課程要求 1. Active participation in class and on Ceiba is required. 2. Before you study the text, please read the introduction to each author in Norton Anthology. The introductions will provide you with essential background knowledge. 3. Group presentation (once) and group discussion (many) will be needed. Sitting with your group members is suggested. 4. Regular attendance: 3 absences—without asking for leave by email—will result in your failure in the course.
參考書目 1. The Norton Anthology English Literature. Abrams, M. H., ed. et al.. 8th ed. Vol. 2. New York: W.W. Norton, 2006. 2 vols. 2. Handouts



週次 日期 單元主題



編號 項目 百分比 說明



編號 星期 開始時間 結束時間