
Probability and Statistics introduces probability theory and mathematical statistics at an entry level, suitable for undergraduate students majoring in engineering. Probability theory provides a foundation to quantify uncertainty and make assessments accordingly. Mathematical statistics provides a methodology to make reasoning with data, even if there is uncertainty. In this one-semester course, we will establish foundations of probability theory (at an elementary level), give intuition and interpretations of the mathematical framework, and scratch the surface of statistical inference.


  • Instructor:
    I-Hsiang Wang (王奕翔), ihwang AT ntu DOT edu DOT tw
  • Office Location and Office Hours:
    MD-524 (明達館524室), Time: Thursday and Friday, 17:30 - 18:30.
  • Lecture Room and Lecture Hours:
    EE2-106 (電機二館106室), Time: Monday 11:20 – 12:10 (4) & Thursday 15:30 – 17:20 (89).
  • Teaching Assistant:
    Yu-Chieh Huang (黃禹傑)
    Email: r08942089 AT ntu DOT edu DOT tw
    Office hours: Monday, 19:00 - 20:00, BL-212 (博理館212室)

Course Information

  • Textbook:
    R. Yates and D. Goodman, Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
  • Prerequisites:
    Calculus (A) 1, 2.
  • Grading:
    Homework (30%), Midterm (35%), Final (35%). 統一教學,考試題目四班皆同;惟 30%分數各班自行決定,本班為作業。 各班得到 A+、A、A-的人數由各班期中期末考相對於全體修課同學的表現而定。 剩下的同學其分數將會被正規化到 0–79 分之間再對應到等第。