


項目 內容
課程名稱 雲動力學
開課學期 112-1
授課對象 大氣科學系
授課教師 吳健銘
課號 AtmSci7065
課程辨識碼 229 M8230
學分 3
全/半年 半年
必/選修 選修
上課時間 星期五 2,3,4(9:10~12:10)
上課地點 大氣A104



項目 內容
課程概述 ***For students who are interested in this course. Please e-mail me to get the link for the class link, description and HW0 **** ***同學沒有選到課的,請寄e-mail給我,才會收到作業0*** -This course focuses on the general dynamics of cloud systems. Models of fog, stratocumulus, shallow cumulus, deep cumulus, and orographic convection will be presented. Classes will include presentations by the instructor and students. Material covered in class will be supplemented by homework assignments, which require coding abilities. Numerical simulations of idealized convective systems will be conduced using the vector vorticity equation cloud resolving model (VVM). The class will conclude with student presentations on a chosen project based on the results of the numerical simulations. Class discussions will be held at the end of each topic or main subsection to discuss science questions arising from the material just presented. Each student is expected to have thought about such questions independently and be able to present these in class if called on. Topics: Introduction on cloud dynamics ‧ Government equations in simulating convective clouds in the atmosphere. ‧Turbulence closure and Large Eddy Simulation on clouds Fogs and Stratocumulus Clouds ‧ Formation and dissipation mechanisms ‧Mixed layer model Shallow cumulus ‧ Boundary layer cumulus ‧ Theories of entrainment, detrainment in cumulus clouds ‧Mass flux cloud model Deep cumulus ‧ Cloud/environment profiles ‧ Parcel model and cumulus parameterization Orographic Systems ‧ Theory of flow over hills and mountains ‧ Orographic precipitation over complex topography Class discussions will be held at the end of each topic or main subsection to discuss science questions arising from the material just presented. Each student is expected to have thought about such questions independently and be able to present these in class if called on.
課程目標 To understand the fundamental dynamics of the moist convection in the atmosphere and simulate the convective systems using a cloud resolving model.
課程要求 待補
參考書目 Cotton, W.R., G.H. Bryan, and S.C. van den Heever, 2010: Storm and Cloud Dynamics, 2nd Edition. Academic Press. Emanuel, K. A., 1994: Atmospheric Convection. Oxford UP. Houze Jr., R. A., 1993: Cloud Dynamics. Academic Press. Stull, R. B., 1988: An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology. Springer.



週次 日期 單元主題



編號 項目 百分比 說明





