


項目 內容
課程名稱 學術英文論文寫作與發表
開課學期 111-2
授課對象 寫作教學中心
授課教師 江介維
課號 Write 7010
課程辨識碼 Q01 M0330
班次 06
學分 3
全/半年 半年
必/選修 選修
上課時間 星期五 2,3,4(9:10~12:10)
上課地點 共401
備註 先修「英文寫作基礎」或具同等能力為佳。臺師大與臺科大學生不開放授權碼選課。其中5周英文授課。與柯凱H合授



項目 內容
課程概述 This course aims to familiarize students with the mechanics of academic writing, which paves the way for the shaping of research articles (RA). The course consists of an introduction to academic English and to the framework of each chapter (i.e., IMRD) of a research paper. Throughout the semester, students will also be trained to make an effective oral presentation of their research. This is a co-teaching course: the first 5 weeks will be conducted in English for oral presentation skills, with the final 10 weeks in Chinese for academic writing skills. (本課程為中英文合授課程:前五周由Kevin Kau針對口頭報告部分以英文授課,後十周由Way Jiang針對寫作部分以中文授課。)
課程目標 This course advances the learning of the basic writing course (i.e., Fundamentals of English Writing) by helping students achieve the following objectives which are phased to form the complete picture of a research paper and presentation: * Recognizing Features of Academic Writing * Writing General-specific Texts * Writing Problem-Solution Texts * Data Commentary * Literature Review * Writing Critiques * Analyzing the Moves and Steps in Research Papers * Presentation Skills/ 3-Minute Thesis Presentation
課程要求 (1) No more than three excused absences are permitted. (2) Late assignments will be penalized. (3) Frequent class discussions are required. (4) Each student is expected to present their 3MT in class. (5) Paper proofreading service is not offered. (6) This course is not open to auditors.
預期每週課後學習時數 5 hours
參考書目 Gillett, A., Hammond, A., & Martala, M. (2009). Inside Track: Successful Academic Writing. Person Education Limited. Hamp-Lyons, L., & Heasley, E. (2006). Study Writing. Cambridge University Press. Powell, Mark. (2002). Presenting in English: How to Give Successful Presentations. Boston, MA: Thomson-Heinle. Weissberg, R., & Buker, S. (1990). Writing Up Research. London: Prentice Hall.
指定閱讀 Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate Students (3rd ed.). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.



週次 日期 單元主題
第1週 Course Overview
第2週 Presentation Basics and Script Writing
第3週 Script Writing with AI, Voice Technique, Poster Presentation Design
第4週 The 3 Minute Thesis Presentation: Design and Practice
第5週 Slide Design and 3 Minute Thesis Presentation Workshop
第6週 3 Minute Thesis Presentations
第7週 Approach to Academic Writing
第8週 Writing Definitions
第9週 Writing Summaries
第10週 Writing Introduction
第11週 Introduction Move Analysis
第12週 Writing Literature Review
第13週 Writing Methods
第14週 Data Commentary
第15週 Writing Results & Discussion
第16週 Writing Abstracts



編號 項目 百分比 說明
1 Writing Assignments 50%
2 3MT Presentation 20%
3 Learning Evaluation Tasks 20%
4 Attendance & Participation 10%



其他 由師生雙方議定


