Feature Release

Subtitle Manager Feature Updates




為了更有效地協助教師的教學、增進學生的學習成效,團隊開發了與 AI 語音辨識模型結合的 字幕管理 功能。

在教師上傳影片後,NTU COOL 的 AI 語音辨識模型即會開始生成字幕檔,教師亦可自行上傳字幕檔案,使同學在觀看課程影片時,

能夠藉由文字的輔助,提升在NTU COOL 的影片學習體驗。



  1. 在教師上傳影片後,NTU COOL 的 AI 語音辨識模型即會開始生成影片原文字幕與英文字幕檔;教師亦可自行上傳字幕檔案。如需修改系統生成之字幕檔,教師可以將其下載、完成編輯後再度上傳。
  2. 自行上傳之字幕檔,可新增多國語言字幕。單支影片最多三個字幕,預設為中、英、其他語言。
  3. 學生可在影片中選取所欲搭配觀看影片之字幕。
  4. 透過「影片管理」的「匯入既有影片」功能,匯入課程影片時,該影片已發布的字幕會一併複製到目的課程中。


  1. 影片字幕功能尚不支援自 YouTube 匯入的影片,僅支援「上傳及匯入」類型的影片。
  2. 使用 iPhone 播放 NTU COOL 上的影片,影片控制權受到 iOS 原生播放器的限制,因而無法使用字幕管理。如遇此情形,請改用其他裝置如 iPad 或電腦觀看影片。
  3. 目前字幕檔案上傳類型僅支援 .srt 檔案
  4. 課程結束後無法編輯及上傳字幕,僅可下載字幕檔。
  5. 於新課程中匯入既有影片時,來源課程影片若為「教師手動上傳字幕檔」且未發佈,則不會一併複製到匯入目的地課程中。

註:教師過去上傳之影片,若發現仍未有自動生成之字幕檔,請與 NTU COOL 團隊聯繫。

完整【字幕管理】功能請見操作手冊 學生版/ 教師版 的說明。



02-3366-3367 #530、 #533、 #539


Dear users,

To further enhance teaching efficiency and to improve students' learning outcomes, we have developed a subtitle management feature integrated with AI speech recognition.

After a teacher uploads a video, the AI speech recognition model on NTU COOL will automatically generate subtitle files.

Teachers can also upload their own subtitle files, allowing students to improve their learning experience by using text as a supplement while watching course videos on NTU COOL.

Additionally, teachers can import existing videos and at the same time copy the video's subtitles into the course. This helps teachers improve efficiency in managing teaching materials. 

Below is a basic introduction to the subtitle management feature:

  1. Once a video is uploaded by the instructor, NTU COOL’s AI speech recognition model will automatically generate both original (based on the video language) and English subtitle files.
  2. Instructors may also upload their own subtitle files. If you need to modify the auto-generated subtitles, you can download them, make the necessary edits, and upload them again.
  3. Manually uploaded subtitle files can include subtitles in multiple languages. A maximum of three subtitles per video is supported, with the default options being Chinese, English, and another language.
  4. Students can choose which subtitles they want to display while watching the video.
  5. When importing course videos using the "+ Add Video" > "Import" feature in "Video Management," any previously published subtitles in Past Enrollment for that video will be copied to the destination course.

Limitations of subtitle management:

  1. The subtitle feature on NTU COOL does not support YouTube videos. It only applies to video files uploaded by instructors (including those imported from other courses and the lecture capture system).
  2. When playing NTU COOL videos on an iPhone, the video control functions are limited by the iOS native player, which may prevent the use of the subtitle feature. In such cases, we recommend watching the videos on other devices like an iPad or a computer.
  3. Currently, only .srt subtitle files are supported for upload.
  4. After the course ends, subtitles cannot be edited or uploaded; only subtitle files can be downloaded.
  5. When importing existing videos into a new course, if the source video’s subtitles were "uploading subtitle files by users" and not published, they will not be copied to the destination course.

Note: If any video previously uploaded by a teacher does not have subtitles, please contact the NTU COOL Operation team.

For detailed instructions on managing subtitles, please refer to the Students or Teachers & TAs version of the user manual.

We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.


Best regards,

NTU COOL Operation Team

02-3366-3367 #530、 #533、 #539